Raising the vibration, one action at a time
Learn how to align yourself with the rhythms of nature through the daily habits of Ayurveda and Yoga. Ayurveda brings harmony by incorporating therapies for the body, mind and spirit, creating a life of health and longevity.
Today, our world needs self-love, self-connection, and balance more than ever. ​
We are finding it harder to disconnect personally and professionally from the interconnectedness of the modern world.
These habits provide structure, self-discipline, self-connection, increased productivity, and tools to mitigate stress. They help us connect to ourselves physically, mentally, and emotionally, showing us that our beliefs and perceptions are creating the world we live in.
How we think is a habit, and to change our lives, we must start with our thoughts and daily actions.

In this 2 hour seminar, you will go on an interactive journey into current patterns and behaviors. We look at small ways to incorporate structure, balance, self-connection, and reflection into your day. Whether it be at work or at home, this seminar is beneficial to all.
Join Emily, and be a part of an 8-session-long habit journey. Learn 6 simple things you can do daily to align your body with the rhythms of nature through the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda. With time and commitment, one will experience profound shifts in energy, focus, mood, concentration, connection, growth, and overall health when implemented as part of an embodied lifestyle. This individual transformation translates to teams, communities, and entire organizations.

Join Emily, and be a part of a dynamic group of like-minded individuals for a four-month-long habit journey. Learn how to align your body with the rhythms of nature through the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda through 11 daily practices that have benefited humans and their longevity for thousands of years. Small positive daily habits seek to improve sleep, increase energy, assist with digestion, boost productivity, minimize stress, develop awareness, and engage in deep listening and reflection. Through commitment and time, experience deep growth and expansive evolution.
Ayurvedic Health Counseling
Focus on your individual needs with one-on-one services in Ayurveda and yoga.

"What we think, we become."